Abstract Submission

The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Shoulder Society welcomes submissions in English.
All applications must be submitted via email.

Deadline for Abstract Submission: By noon on Thursday, May 8, 2014

ONLY Abstract Template (Microsoft Word) Submissions are Acceptable.
The Abstract Template can be downloaded from the Microsoft Word file below.

JSS2014 Abstract Template

"Abstract Submission" was closed.
Thank you all for your submitting.

Main Topics

  1. Treatment strategy for massive rotator cuff tear
  2. Treatment for throwing injuries of the shoulder
  3. The limit of the conservative treatment for the fracture in the proximal end of humerus
  4. The limit of the arthroscopic rotator cuff repair

Instructions for Preparing Abstract

Abstract must be in English and include background, objective, methods, result(s) and conclusion. Body must not exceed 250 words, with no figures or photos.
It is the author's responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author.
Abstracts should be prepared in Microsoft Word, using Times New Roman font, and submitted by email.
Abstract receipt will be acknowledged by email within seven days. If such acknowledgement is not received, abstract must be re-submitted.
Results will be emailed in early August 2014. Accepted authors will receive presentation instructions in early September 2014.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the Journal of Katakansetsu (The Shoulder Joint).

Preparations for Abstract Template

Abstract Title:
The registered abstract title should be no longer than 20 words. Capitalize the first word.
ex. Pathology of Bennett osteophytes in throwing athletes
Author(s) Affiliations:
Capitalize each word; write Given Name first.
ex. Taro SAITO1, Jiro TANAKA2
Number Author affiliations.
ex. 1. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Doai Memorial Hospital, Japan
2. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan
Abstract Body:
Must be typed in English, not exceeding 250 words excluding title, authors and institutions.
Abstracts must contain study aims, methods, results and conclusion.
Use abbreviations for common terms only
(For uncommon terms, introduce abbreviation in brackets after first full use of term.)
Abstracts should not include diagrams, charts or reference citations.
Preferred Presentation:
Oral Presentation
First Name, Middle Initial.:
ex. John E.
Capitalize the first word.
Capitalize every letters.
ex. Specific Medical Corporation Seishikai Soejima Orthopedic Hospital
ex. 7641-1 Tomioka, Takeo-cho, Takeo, Saga 843-0024 Japan
ex. +81-(0)954-22-4526
ex. +81-(0)954-22-4528 
ex. jss41@soejimaseikei.or.jp

Contact Address /Correspondence

Attach your complete correspondence information (name, affiliation, street, city, zip code, country, phone, fax, email) together with submitted abstract.
Attach abstract file in Microsoft Word format (*.docx).
Secretariat office: jss41@soejimaseikei.or.jp