The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Shoulder Society
I am hosting The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Shoulder Society for 2 days on October 24(Fri) and 25(Sat), 2014 at Saga Culture Hall. I am most honored to hold this historical meeting in Saga prefecture for the first time. Although Saga prefecture is little known and is only recognized as the prefecture between Fukuoka and Nagasaki, it has an abundance of beautiful sights, and delicious food. So I consider this an opportunity for everyone to learn more about Saga prefecture. And I will do my best to make this meeting useful to you.
“Globalization ~from Japan to the World~” is the theme of this annual meeting. This theme is based on the guidelines of the Japan Shoulder Society, which chairman Dr. Eiji Itoi stated at the 40th Annual Meeting Chairman’s Lecture, and also base on my own experiences. I studied shoulder joint surgery, for the first time, under the late Professor. Nahoto Takagishi of Fukuoka University in 1984. Then, in 1988, I studied various diagnostic methods and surgical techniques on shoulder joint diseases in both the U.S and Great Britain as a Ministry of Education research fellow. I also did further research in the U.S and in Germany in 2003. Moreover, I had a lot of opportunities to attend various international conference and meetings. Throughout these experiences I found that foreign countries were superior to Japan in some areas, while in others Japan was more advanced. So I realized we have to establish more opportunities for the exchange of opinions, and I recommended Japanese doctors to actively participate in international conferences and to contribute English dissertations. I will create an English Symposium for the first time at this meeting in order that members of the Japan Shoulder Society understand and practice the importance of globalization. I hope for this symposium to be a first step toward globalization for young members and for it to lead to the development of shoulder joint medical treatment in the near future.
The reversed type artificial shoulder joint was late to be introduced to Japan from Western countries and South Korea but it can be used in Japan starting this year.
In order to obtain effective results, this annual meeting has many lectures and workshops about theories and proper directions for the use of the reversed type artificial shoulder joint.
Upon the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Japan Shoulder Society, I am also planning a memorial exhibition and lecture on the achievements of senior members thus far.
I hope this annual meeting will be meaningful to you. And I hope for everyone to spend a satisfying time together and enjoy the delicious Saga beef as well as my favorite wine in the deepening autumn season in Saga prefecture. I am looking forward to meeting all of you.
The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Shoulder Society
PresidentKeizo Morisawa M.D.Ph.D
Specific Medical Corporation Seishikai
Soejima Orthopedic Hospital